Strickland Metals Limited

© 2024 Strickland Metals Limited

ABN 20 109 361 195  |  TERMS

Strickland Metals Limited is a blend of dynamic people and quality exploration projects that combine to form a unique company.

The primary responsibility of the Board is to represent and advance Shareholders' interests and to protect the interests of stakeholders.

To fulfil this role the Board is responsible for the overall corporate governance of the Company, including its strategic direction, establishing goals for management and monitoring the achievement of these goals.

To the extent they are applicable to the Company, the Board has adopted the revised Eight Essential Corporate Governance Principles and each of the Best Practice Recommendations as published by ASX Corporate Governance Council ("ASX Principles and Recommendations").

To read the ASX Principles and Recommendations click here.


In pursuit of best practice in corporate governance, the Company is please to make the following information on its corporate governance practices available to its shareholders in this website.

The Company has followed the recommendations of the ASX in making information available in full or summary.